
When I started this talk, it was just after my auntie had passed away, Jamie Denyer had made me tear up with his inspirational talk and he’d had a huge response. My nerves were uncontrollable, I was shaking, sweating, stammering and bang I was on stage not sure what I wanted to say. Every word forgotten.

I was tense and looking at a huge hall with a big audience expecting something big. I wanted to run away and hide. So many things go through your head when you’re in fight or flight. This wasn’t my first public speaking event, I’d done loads before but it was one of the last ones where I let my nerves get the better of me. This event made me realise that I need laughter to calm my nerves before speaking, I need fun to relax.

So now every time I speak I either create a fun environment or I watch funny videos. For the full video please go to my youtube channel, subscribe and see if you can spot when I relaxed into the talk.